Sunday, August 26, 2007

Kentucky State Fair.

These were all
the tigers
in the show.

This is a
tiger walking
across a rope.

On Friday we went to the Kentucky State Fair. It was a neat experience since the fairs in New Zealand are heaps smaller than this one. They had the World Championship Horse Show that we watched for a while and lots of other small booths. We were there from about 9:00 to 4:00 and we didn't get to see even half of everything that was there. They had alligator wrestling and trick dogs doing amazing tricks. They also had a tiger show that we watched and all loved. We would have stayed longer, but the temperature was over 100, about 43 Celsius. So it was really hot and we had to leave after a while. But it was a great day and we all enjoyed it.

Kentucky Kingdom, a really big amusement park was open for all the people at the fair. I had been before with a friend but the family hadn't gone before. We walked around it and went on some rides. There was nobody else there either which was really cool. I managed to persuade Dad to go on a roller coaster with me. I had been on it before and enjoyed it but Dad really didn't like it.

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