Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Day five in Israel.

Day five was a lot of fun. We went to lots of cool places like the Emmaus Road, Nebi Samwill, (where we had a great view) and Jericho. We passed lots of Bedouin camps as we drove along. The Bedouin are people that live out in the middle of nowhere, looking after the sheep and goats and living without any electricity.

This is dad walking on the Emmaus Road, the road that Jesus appeared on after he rose from the dead.

This is looking on to a Israeli village from Nebi Samwill.

This is a Bedouin camp. You see a lot of these as you drive along in the bus. Usually there are lots of camels and donkeys walking around the camp.

New Testament Jericho.

1 comment:

JCRandolph said...

Anna-Marie, these pictures are incredible. Can you believe you've been there in person?? Glad to have you back though :). Kristie