Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Day sixteen in Israel

Day sixteen was a free day and then a directors reception at our guides place that night. So dad and I and a few others from our group went to the Holocaust Museum and dad went and got a haircut by a Frenchman.

Going back to our hotel on the public bus. This was a huge experience, as the driving is horrible and they don't stop letting people on the bus even though it is clearly full!

This is the outside of the Holocaust Museum. It was a huge place as you can see from the picture. We were unable to take photos from the inside, sorry.

This is dad, a New Zealander, getting a haircut by a Frenchman, in Jerusalem.


Anna said...

Hey Anna-Marie!!
Have a blast in NZ and keep me posted on your blog of what you're up to and what y'all are doing!!?? Pictures too, if you can!:) We will have to hang out and catch up for real when you get back...it's been a long while since we've talked!!
I'll be praying for your travels and your time away! :)
Love lots,

Anonymous said...

Hi Anna-Marie
I like the photo of your dad getting a haircut :) I loved spending time with you on Sunday we had some laughs :) I hope you had a safe trip up to Hawkes Bay. Thinking of you and your family.
God bless